




澳门葡京博彩软件们为了一项重要的事业走到一起, 他们的影响是巨大的,95岁的凯尔西·克利夫兰说, 俄勒冈州澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部的前联合主席, one of many Smith 俱乐部 around the world that raise money to support scholarship aid. “自从我们俱乐部在1951年设立了捐赠奖学基金, Smithies in Oregon proudly come together to support the college and a Smith student from Oregon every year.”

The Smith Club of Oregon donates all dues that are contributed beyond their club’s operating costs—and “we keep our operating costs as low as possible to maximize our club’s annual donation,” 说s Kelsey—while other Smith 俱乐部 have found ways to raise funds for students while having fun connecting across class years.

仅在过去的10年里,各俱乐部就捐赠了近1美元.5 million for financial aid by doing everything from selling pecans and toffee to making desk calendars and tote bags. 随着学院的成立,这些努力尤其受到欢迎 倾听每一个声音, 一项筹集7500万美元奖学金的倡议, providing access to a world-class education for every talented and qualified Smithie who seeks it. 

Here are four clever ways Smith 俱乐部 are helping the best and brightest students attend Smith, 同时在格莱姆考特大门之外维持一个强大的社区. “参与,社区和澳门葡京博彩软件的联系. 没有比这更好的了!02岁的瓦妮莎·盖茨-埃尔斯顿说 of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Club of New York City.



纽约澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部 at their 2019 Annual Scholar Benefit.

人: 纽约澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部

它是什么: 一年一度的100到150人参加的两个小时的晚会, featuring drinks and hors d'oeuvres as well as a keynote speaker such as New York Times food and wine writer Florence Fabricant ’58. 票价200美元. A tiered pricing structure allows patrons to purchase tickets for alumnae and others who might not otherwise be able to attend. 

“I support Smith because I want future generations to know I believe in them; I want them to thrive and be true to who they are meant to be and carry the Smith torch in the world. 没有一个澳门葡京博彩软件是相似的,但我们都充满激情, 才华横溢的, 固执己见的, 勇敢的, 种类, 强大创新,02岁的瓦妮莎·盖茨-埃尔斯顿说, 2019年福利荣誉主席.

筹得奖学金: Approximately $48,000 in 2019; more in previous years


  • Contact potential keynote speakers six to 24 months in advance to reserve a spot on their busy calendars. And consider reaching out to notable alumnae who don’t live in your area—they may travel in for the event.
  • 提前6到12个月预定场地.
  • 利用你所掌握的所有校友资源. 这可能意味着使用校友之家作为地点, providing food or favors from alumnae-owned business or having a group of alums underwrite the cost of the event so maximum proceeds go to Smith students. 

了解更多: smithclubnyc.org


人: 新罕布什尔州的澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部 

它是什么: The Five Colleges Book Sale was kickstarted in the spring of 1962 by alumnae from five northeastern colleges and is one of New England’s largest sales of used books. The sale raises scholarship money for students from Vermont and New Hampshire who attend Smith, 曼荷莲女子学院为蓝本, 席梦思床品公司, 瓦萨和韦尔斯利学院. Each spring more than 300 graduates and friends of the colleges volunteer to put on the mega sale, 其中包括大约35个,000本书和cd, dvd, 有声读物和纪念品. 每年有1500到3000人参加这个活动. 

“Our club feels it’s important to fundraise for scholarship aid because the gift of an education is one of the greatest anyone can give,90岁的辛迪·科迪斯说.

筹得奖学金: 大约每年6.5万美元,由各学校平均分配


  • 创建一个领导团队来帮助这个大项目顺利进行. The Five Colleges Book Sale chooses two to three leaders as well as a secretary, 一个会计, 还有一个由前销售主管组成的指导委员会, 各学院代表, 志愿者协调员, 一个宣传协调员和几个资深志愿者.
  • Create, assign and share a to-do list, complete with deadlines, to keep the project on track. 
  • Recruit volunteers as well as sponsors to defray the cost of the fundraiser.

了解更多: five-collegesbooksale.org




人: 东湾澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部

它是什么: 东湾SC读书俱乐部, 谁在奥克兰第一次见面, 加州, 1994年3月, 最近庆祝了它成立25周年. 谢里尔·拉瓦格尼诺84年, 会员的椅子, describes the club as a wonderful source of friendship and intellectual stimulation, with the added benefits of raising money for scholarship aid and keeping alumnae connected to Smith. A typical meeting draws five to 10 attendees—though roughly 50 are on the mailing list—from the class of 2017 through the 1940s. 除主持人外,每位与会者每次会议捐赠5美元, which club treasurer Mary Stapleton ’79 collects and directs to the Mary E. Wilson Endowed Scholarship Fund in support of a student from the East Bay. 

筹得奖学金: 每年1500美元


  • 选择平装本的书以降低成本.
  • Pick books two to three months in advance so members have time to reserve them at the library.
  • 在一周的不同晚上举行会议(一个月的星期二), 说, Wednesday the next) so those with specific conflicts can make it to at least some meetings. 
  • 在成员的家之间旋转位置.

了解更多: 网站.谷歌.com/site/eastbaysmithclub/book-club-blog



Christl Hutter Larson ’86 (left) and Emily Hagens Beck ’10 (right) at the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Club of Minnesota’s Silent Auction.

人: 明尼苏达州澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部

它是什么: 明尼苏达州澳门葡京博彩软件俱乐部 started “Smith Day” in 1933 as a fundraising effort held each year in the home of a local alum. The silent auction was originally one of many events featured on Smith Day, 但现在已成为主要景点,并在大型, 当地的场所,如博物馆. 在拍卖会上, 项目和经历(想想唱歌课), 面包制作课程(甚至是冰上保龄球)都被拍卖, and the funds raised go to support the club’s endowed scholarship fund for local Smith students as well as Smith’s summer Praxis internships. 近年来, the club solicits nominations for distinguished local alums and honors one of their own with a Minnesota Smith Medal at the event. 每年约有100名校友和嘉宾参加. 

“We want to make sure that a Smith education is always an option no matter what somebody’s resources are. We want smart, educated women from all walks of life, and providing scholarships is the way to do it!78岁的俱乐部主席凯特·莱曼说.

筹得奖学金: 大约8000到10000美元


  • Start planning six months in advance to ensure you can reserve the space you need.
  • 注重宣传和出席. You might try 脸谱网 event posts, mailed invitations, email blasts and a digital newsletter.
  • Consider selling tickets to the event to raise additional funds: at the door, 在线和提前通过邮件预订. The Smith Club of Minnesota offers a discounted price for younger alums and has experimented with a “pay what you can” approach, which means most pay the suggested fee or more to support younger alumnae.

了解更多: smithclubmn.org

Read about more exciting ways Smith 俱乐部 are raising funds for scholarship aid at the 澳门葡京博彩软件校友关系网站
