"From Afar" photo taken by Haiqing Zhang ‘18 in South India

菲比和约翰·D. 刘易斯全球研究中心 serves as a home base for international students, 澳门葡京博彩软件, 活动家和客座教授. Housing the Office for International Study and the Office for 国际学生 and 澳门葡京博彩软件, the center provides a setting where international and domestic students and faculty educate each other about their languages and cultures. The 刘易斯全球研究中心 works with the Center for the Environment, 生态设计, and Sustainability (CEEDS); the Jandon Center for 社区 Engagement; the Poetry Center; and the Wurtele Center for Leadership.



刘易斯全球研究中心整合, enriches and promotes opportunities for the critical study of global issues in order to advance the college’s mission to prepare women for global citizenship and leadership. 我们聘请澳门葡京博彩软件的学生, faculty and staff in international and intercultural studies and cultivate an understanding of the global context of a Smith education.

Talented young women are increasingly recognized around the globe as the hope of their nations, 组织和家庭. 澳门葡京博彩软件 has embarked on a defining initiative: to educate women who will transform their communities and change our world. From day one on campus, students engage with international and intercultural issues. 与教师顾问合作, students design a program of in-class and out-of-class global leadership experiences.






国际学生 & 澳门葡京博彩软件顾问

国际学生事务副主任 & 澳门葡京博彩软件

Photo of students posing in front of ancient ruins in Italy


A journal featuring student and alumnae essays highlighting their experiences and epiphanies both abroad and at home.


A Window to the World: Global 课程 at Smith

Long recognized as a leader in international education, Smith is a world college for the world’s women. 从20世纪初开始, the college has had an international emphasis in its curriculum and was a pioneer in the field of study abroad when it established its Smith in Paris Program in 1925. Thirteen different languages are currently taught at Smith. 另外, 33 departments across the curriculum offer more than 200 courses that have been designated by faculty as relating to global issues, with many more that examine different cultures within the United States. 每年, 数以百计的澳门葡京博彩软件学生出国留学, while the Smith campus welcomes students from all 50 states and more than 70 countries.

For more detailed information on course offerings, search the 澳门葡京博彩软件 课程目录.

Smith’s academic program is designed to empower students to be ready to live, 跨国界工作和领导. With faculty of varied international backgrounds and interests, courses on distinct cultures of the world and many languages spoken on campus, Smith is committed to making global learning an essential part of women’s education. The study of other countries and cultures—and the complex interactions among them—is featured throughout the curriculum, 在整个大学里.

  • afr110非洲研究入门
  • arh110艺术及其历史
  • ARH 204 艺术 and Architecture of the Ancient Americas
  • ARH 233 Medieval 艺术 on the Move: Pilgrimages and Crusade
  • ARH 265 Transnational Histories of American 艺术 and Identity, 1860-1950
  • ARH 280 Collecting and Display in Europe and North America, 1400-1900
  • ARH 280 Topic: Playing with Ink and Brush 900CE to Present
  • BUS 253 Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Phil and Hermeneutics
  • DAN 142散居非洲人的舞蹈形式
  • 丹149萨尔萨
  • DAN 272 跳舞 人类学: Performed Identities and Embodied Cultures
  • DAN 377 Advanced Studies in 历史 and Aesthetics. 题目:萨尔萨舞的理论与实践
东亚语言 & 文献
  • CHI 352 Food For Thought: Chinese Language, Culture, Environment, and 健康
  • EAL 232/WLT现代中国文学
  • EAL 239/WLT Intimacy in Contemporary Chinese Women's Fiction
  • EAL 242现代日本文学
  • EAL 253韩国电影:电影与大众
  • EAL 292主题:Shojo
  • EAL 360 Topic: Book 历史 and Print Culture in China and Japan
  • JPN350/351日本当代文本
  • EAL 291书写帝国
  • HST 200现代东亚
  • 第二次世界大战在东亚
  • 纪念亚太战争
  • (was EAS 375, will be GOV if re-offered) Dimensions in East Asia-US Relations
英语语言 & 文学
  • ENG 171: Composing a Self: Chinese and English Voices
  • ENG 236 Environmental Poetry and Ecological Thought
  • ENG 241 The Empire Writes Back: Postcolonial 文学
  • ENG 334文学和电影中的仆人
  • FYS 127古巴和美国.S. 禁运
  • FYS 167 Viking Diaspora: The First "New World" of the North Atlantic
  • 飞第172期(Dis)听话的女儿
  • FYS 174 Merging and Converging Cultures: What is gained and lost in translation?
  • FYS 175爱情故事
  • FYS 184 Educating Women:A 历史 and 社会学 at 首页 and Abroad
  • FYS 187知识的诱惑 
  • 1999年纪念玛丽·安托瓦内特
电影 & 媒体研究
  • 二战后的FMS 250全球电影院
  • FMS 251全球电视史
  • FRN 230郊区文学
  • FRN 230 Women Writers of Africa and the Caribbean
  • FRN 250 Skyping with the French: Cross-Cultural Connections
  • FRN 251法国新闻在线
  • FRN 252 Cities of Light: Urban Space in Francophone 电影
  • FRN 253女士,骑士,国王
  • FRN 264 Encountering Others in Ancien Régime France
  • FRN 265 Les Années noires: Paris during the Occupation, 1939-45
  • frn270语言和身份
  • FRN 282 From the Personal to the Political: Stories About Moral Dilemmas
  • frn295法语翻译实践
  • frn320中世纪女作家
  • FRN 340 Changing Family Values in the French Enlightenment
  • FRN 343 Cultural Wars at the Theatre in the French Long Eighteenth Century
  • FRN 363 Crossing the Divide: Love, Ambition, and the Exploration of Social Difference
  • FRN 365 Food, Hunger, Memory: 文学 of the Caribbean
  • frn380法国在美国
  • FRN 380移民和性别
  • FRN 385 Global French: The Language of Business and International Trade
  • 法国电影中的刻板印象
  • GER 114 Intensive Elementary German for the 艺术s and Sciences
  • GER 161 The Cultures of German-Speaking Europe (in English)
  • GER 161 231:纳粹电影(英文)
  • GER 260德语遍布校园
  • 德语歌曲、语言和历史
  • ge300 Heimat:家是什么?
  • ge360研讨会:巴赫曼的维也纳
意大利语言 & 文学
  • ITL 200 Made in Italy: Italian Design and World Culture
  • ITL 205 Savoring Italy: Recipes and Thoughts on Italian Cuisine and Culture  
  • ITL 245 Culture in Context: An Italian Immersion
  • ITL 250意大利文学概览1   
  • ITL 281意大利电影院向东看  
  • ITL 299  Teaching Romance Languages: Theories and Techniques on Second Language Acquisition  
  • ITL 332 Finding Dante: A Reader's Guide to Getting out of Hell 
  • ITL 340 The Theory and Practice of Translation  
  • ITL/RES/WLT 341 (Calderwood Seminar) Mobilities: How People, Goods and Information Cross Borders
  • ITL 344高级研讨会:意大利女作家 
  • JUD 110意第绪语文化概论
  • JUD 125/REL 125犹太传统
  • 犹太教与环境保护主义
  • JUD 235 Perspectives on the Arab-Israeli Conflict
  • JUD 235/MES 235 Perspectives on the Arab-Israel Conflict
  • jud260意第绪文学与文化
  • JUD 284东欧犹太人(1750-1945
  • 犹太历287年大屠杀
  • JUD 288以色列历史 
  • 中东研究导论
  • MES 203 Introduction to Middle East Comparative Politics
  • MES 210现代中东电影
  • MES 217 ​International Relations and Regional Order in the Middle East
  • 《阿拉伯之春
  • MES 222 Islam and Democracy in the Middle East
  • MES 230 Society and Development in the Middle East
  • MES 235 Perspectives on the Arab-Israeli Conflict
  • MES 240 Encounters with Unjust Authority: Political Fiction of the Arab World
  • MES 380 Seminar: Authoritarianism in the Middle East
  • MUS 101:世界音乐
  • MUS 220:主题在世界音乐, topics include: Popular 音乐 of the Islamic World (Sarkissian), 日本音乐(萨基森语), 非洲流行音乐(Omojola), 非洲音乐中的女性(Omojola), 非洲音乐大师(奥莫约拉).
  • MUS/ rel249:伊斯兰流行音乐
  • MUS 955:爪哇中部佳美兰
  • MUS 958: Irish 音乐 Ensemble: The Wailing Banshees
  • PHI/REL 108生命的意义, Translation and Cross-Cultural Interpretation; and our seminars frequently
  • 中文简介
  • PHIL 127印度哲学
  • PHI 215非裔美国人菲尔
  • PHI 236语言结构
  • PHI 246种族事务
  • PHI 252 Buddhist 哲学: Madhyamaka and Yogācāra
  • PHI 254非洲哲学
  • PHI 260诠释学
  • POR 125 Elementary Portuguese for 西班牙语-Speakers
  • 中级葡萄牙语
  • POR/ARH 201巴西艺术内外
  • POR 202 Barriers to Belonging: Youth in Brazilian 电影
  • POR 228 Indigenous Brazil: Past, Present, Future
  • POR 381 Place, Space and Identity in the Portuguese-Speaking World
  • rel105介绍世界宗教
  • REL/PHI 108生命的意义
  • REL 201仪式:表演与悖论
  • REL 206 Heaven, Hell, and Other Worlds: The Afterlife in World 宗教s
  • REL 223现代犹太人的经历
  • 犹太历史中的妇女和性别
  • REL 264佛教禅修传统
  • REL 270禅宗佛教与日本文化
俄罗斯,东欧 & 欧亚研究
  • RES 100Y初级俄语
  • RES 105 St. Petersburg: 历史, Politics and Culture: Interterm in Russia
  • RES 126 Nineteenth-Century Russian 文学:Madmen, Conmen and 政府 Clerks
  • RES/REL 140 Putin's Russia: After Communism, After Atheism
  • RES 210 Environment and Ecology in Russian Culture
  • RES 221中级俄语
  • RES 222中级俄语2
  • WLT 240 Childhood and the 文献 of Africa and the African Diaspora
  • SPN 230 topic Maghribi Jewish Women: Cordoba, Casablanca, Tel Aviv
  • SPN 246 Through the Jewish Lens: A Latin American Story
  • SWG 150 Introduction to the Study of Women and Gender
  • 性别、土地和粮食运动
  • SWG 236 International Feminist Political Economy
  • SWG 316 Feminist Theories of Cross-Border Organizing
  • SWG 318妇女反抗帝国
  • SWG 3xx马克思主义女权主义
  • WLT 100 Introduction to Comparative 文学: The Pleasures of Reading; Topic: Islands, 实与虚
  • 翻译的艺术
  • 世界文学之旅
  • wl218大屠杀文学
  • WLT/EAL 232现代中国文学
  • WLT/EAL 239 Intimacy in Contemporary Chinese Women's 文学
  • WLT 270 健康 and Illness: Literary Explorations
  • WLT 271 Writing in Translation: Bilingualism in the Postcolonial Novel
  • WLT 272 Composing a Self: Chinese and English Voices
  • WLT 276 #MeToo: 跨文化的性、性别和权力
  • WLT/TSX 330跨国界翻译 
  • WLT 340 Narrating the Anthropocene (senior seminar)
  • WLT 341 Mobilities: How People, Goods and Information Cross Borders
  • ANT 223无论疾病还是健康
  • ANT 253 Introduction to East Asian Societies and Cultures
  • 生物能源、生物政治与治理
  • ANT/ENV 224人类世中的人类
  • ECO 226欧洲一体化经济学
  • ECO 296(国际金融)
  • ECO 319研讨会:移民经济学
  • ECO 375 Seminar: The Theory and Practice of Central Banking
  • ECO 396(国际金融市场)
  • 教育工作者语言学
  • edc226《学校的形成
  • EDC 237比较教育
  • EDC 278种族教育
  • 多元文化教育
  • FYS184教育妇女
  • GFX全球100家金融机构
  • GOV 220比较政治学导论
  • GOV 221欧洲政治
  • GOV 221欧洲政治
  • GOV 226拉丁美洲政治制度
  • 当代非洲政治
  • 当代非洲政治
  • GOV . 228日本政府与政治
  • 中国政治
  • GOV 231 Colloquium: Women's Social Movements in the Middle East
  • GOV 232比较政治经济学
  • 东亚的政府与政治
  • GOV 237美国/墨西哥边境政治
  • GOV 238 Topic: Conflict and Cooperation in Asia
  • GOV 239 Social Justice Movements in Latin America
  • GOV 241国际政治
  • GOV 242国际政治经济学
  • GOV 244美国外交政策
  • 248 .阿以争端
  • GOV 249国际人权
  • GOV 251日本外交政策
  • GOV 253亚洲文化与外交
  • GOV 257专题讨论会:难民政治
  • GOV 307:美国的拉美裔与移民.S.
  • GOV 340 Seminar: Politics of Cultural Pluralism
  • GOV 341国际政治研讨会
  • 区域化比较
  • GOV 348 Seminar in International Politics Conflict and Cooperation in Asia
  • 丝绸之路与前现代欧亚大陆
  • HST 206 Topic: Slaves and Slavery in the Ancient World
  • HST 229赛跑前的世界?
  • HST 234全球非洲
  • HST 235独立非洲
  • HST 236世界历史1000-2000
  • HST 239帝国俄罗斯,1650-1917
  • HST 247主题:平权行动帝国
  • HST 249近代早期欧洲1600-1815
  • HST 250十九世纪的欧洲
  • 20世纪的欧洲
  • HST 257 Beyond Bondage: African 历史 through the Slave Trade
  • HST 257 Beyond Bondage: Early African 历史 through the Slave Trade
  • HST 259 Aspects of African 历史: Discourses of Development
  • HST 259 Aspects of African 历史: Topic: Discourses of Development
  • HST 259主题:非殖民化
  • HST 259主题:发展的话语
  • HST 259 Topic: Femininities, Masculinities, and Sexualities in Africa
  • HST 264妇女与革命
  • HST 270主题:大西洋世界的奴隶制
  • HST 282太平洋世界
  • HST 300民族主义(卡尔德伍德研讨会)
  • HST 343 Problems in World 历史: Twentieth-Century Revolutions
  • HST 350 Topic: Gender and Histories of the Holocaust
  • HST 350 Topic: Gender, Race and the 历史 of Human Rights in post-1945 Europe
  • HST 355主题:妇女与第一次世界大战
  • LAS 301 Contesting Spaces: 艺术, Ecology, Activism
  • SOC 232世界人口
  • SOC 236 Beyond Borders: New International Political Economy
  • SOC 237性别 & 全球化
  • 21世纪的全球移民
  • SOC222美洲的黑人
  • SPN 230 topic Maghribi Jewish Women: Cordoba, Casablanca, Tel Aviv
  • SPN 246 Through the Jewish Lens: A Latin American Story
  • 天文与公共政策
  • BCH 352生化动力学
  • BIO 100 Human Origins: Disentangling the myths and facts that surround the evolution of our species
  • BIO 130 Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation
  • BIO 321 Molecular Pathogenesis of Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • CSC 325研讨会:负责任的计算
环境科学 & 政策
  • ENV 101 Sustainability and Social-Ecological Systems
  • ENV 201/202 研究ing Environmental Problems
  • ENV 230中国环境与社会
  • ENV 326 Natural Resource Management and Environmental Justice
  • GEO 104全球气候变化
  • GEO 106 Extraordinary 事件 in the 历史 of Earth, Life and Climate
  • GEO 108海洋学
  • GEO 112 Archaeological Geology of Rock 艺术 and Stone 艺术ifacts
  • GEO 334碳酸盐岩沉积学
  • geo361构造与地球历史
数学 & 统计数据
  • MTH 105 Inequalities: Numbers, Data, and Justice



澳门葡京博彩软件的 访问澳门葡京博彩软件计划 serves to enrich campus intellectual activities, nurture the college’s commitment to cultural diversity and further its goal of being a world college.


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