
Campus Safety Department


The 澳门葡京博彩软件 Campus Safety Department provides protection and services to all members of the college community, including its 游客s and guests, 一天24小时, 一周七天. The department's 办公室rs are trained law enforcement professionals. They have full police powers on college property (as granted under Massachusetts General Laws, 章22摄氏度, Section 63) and are sworn Hampshire County deputy sheriffs. Each 办公室r is trained to the standards set by the Massachusetts State Police.

Campus Safety is located at 126 West Street in the 设施 Management building, and is staffed 一天24小时 with professional dispatchers. The main purpose of Campus Safety is to protect life and property. Officers patrol the campus around-the clock on foot, on specially equipped mountain bikes, 或者在巡洋舰上. The Campus Safety Department will also provide information to any members of the community on emergency services, crime prevention and reporting, 性侵犯, 受害者援助.

Emergency 服务: Dial Extension 5555. From your cell phone or from off campus dial 413-585-2490.

Campus Safety emergency phone lines are staffed 一天24小时, and 办公室rs will respond to any on-campus emergency request by any member of the college community, 游客, 或者客人. 除了, any situation that might require Northampton fire or ambulance services should be reported immediately to the Campus Safety emergency number.

Non-Emergency 服务: Dial Extension 2490

Campus Safety Department 办公室rs will attempt to respond to non-emergency requests provided that they are not engaged in matters of a higher priority.

Campus Safety Emergency Phones

The Campus Safety Department provides 24-hour emergency telephones for the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community. Emergency telephones are strategically placed in 78 locations on campus, including near the residential houses and parking lots as well as Lamont Bridge, 澳门葡京博彩软件 Equestrian Center, Athletic 设施 parking lots, and all levels of the Parking Garage. Each emergency phone is a metal box with a luminescent blue light on top, and is clearly visible day and night. Please note that these phones ensure an immediate response in the event of a dangerous situation but are NOT to be used in nonemergency situations.

Loss of or Damage to Personal Property

The college is not liable for loss of or damage to personal property occurring on college premises. Some coverage may be afforded through your individual homeowners/renters insurance. The college is not liable for the theft of personal property left in an automobile parked in a college parking lot, nor for the loss of or damage to a vehicle, 偷钱, or valuables left in a desk, 办公室, 或者工作区域, nor for the loss of clothing left on a coat rack or in a locker.

澳门葡京博彩软件 教师/工作人员 Parking Rules and Regulations

工作人员 and faculty eligible for a 澳门葡京博彩软件 parking decal may register a vehicle at the Campus Safety Department, 126 West Street in the 设施 Management building, 星期一至星期五, 8:30 a.m. 至下午4时. For parking related questions, dial 413- 585-2495.

For complete rules and regulations, please see 在澳门葡京博彩软件停车.

For more information on the Campus Safety Department, visit the Campus Safety website.