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What’s Happening at the Kahn



Communicating Climate Change Through Indigenous Voices & 艺术

An online conversation between Indigenous scientist/artist James Temte and special guest, 阿拉斯加 native Ahtna Elder Wilson Justin. Temte, a member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe who leads the NSF Navigating the New Arctic 社区 Extension Office, will share a conversation with Ahtna elder Wilson Justin on the topic of Indigenous knowledge, connection to the land and the role of art in communicating the realities of climate change beyond the Arctic. This public conversation is presented as part of the Kahn Institute yearlong project Imagining Climate Change: From Slow Violence to Fast Hope. 

On 不断上升的 Together

Collective and Creative Responses to the Climate Crisis

Elizabeth Rush, award-winning author of 不断上升的: Dispatches from the New American Shore, speaks on her book and related themes as a guest of the Center for the Environment, 生态设计, and Sustainability (CEEDS) and the Kahn Institute’s yearlong project Imagining Climate Change: From Slow Violence to Fast Hope. Rush's most recent book, 不断上升的, a Pulitzer finalist, lyrically documents the transformation of shorelines around the United States as a result of climate change and rising seas.

Reversing Knowledge Loss

What does it mean to regain knowledge and practice of lost technologies? Why do some successful technologies disappear? Mac艺术hur Fellow Sven Haakanson, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Washington, works with the Alutiiq in Kodiak, 阿拉斯加, and other communities in preserving and relearning languages and cultural practices. Haakanson received a Mac艺术hur Fellowship for his work reviving Alutiiq language and culture. He recently worked with Kodiak communities in relearning, building and using angyaaq again. He lectured as part of the yearlong project Technophilia/Technoskepticism.