
很少有目的地比Galápagos群岛更具有标志性. 1978年被联合国教科文组织列为第一个世界遗产, the 加拉帕戈斯群岛 have been described as a “unique living museum and showcase of evolution.” They are home to a fascinating array of wildlife inhabiting an unspoiled ecosystem, 与人类来访者和谐相处. 在陆地和海上有多种探索方式, 包括上调, 照片走, 皮划艇, paddleboarding, 和浮潜, every day reveals new discoveries  interpreted by a team of expert local guides.


  • Walk among wildlife unfazed by your presence: lounge on beaches with sea lions, 对巨大的海鬣蜥群感到惊奇, 看到筑巢的海鸟. 和海狮一起潜水, 海龟, and abundant fish in the protected waters of the Galápagos Marine Reserve.
  • Observe giant Galápagos tortoises in the wild on an adventure in the highlands of 圣克鲁斯.
  • 冒险独木舟,桨板,玻璃底船,和十二生肖.




Dr. 丽莎Mangiamele is an integrative biologist interested in social communication, 比较神经生物学, 以及大脑和行为的进化. Her research has focused on studying the mechanisms of communication in a variety of wild species, 包括青蛙和鱼, 实地工作带她去了巴拿马, 哥斯达黎加, 和维也纳动物园. 在澳门葡京博彩软件大学,. Mangiamele teaches Animal Physiology, Systems Neurobiology, and Experimental Methods. In her free time she likes to hike with her husband and 7-yr-old son.




天(s) 旅行计划
第一天 离开美国.S. 在厄瓜多尔
第二天 Travel to the 加拉帕戈斯群岛; embark the National Geographic Endeavour II
天3 - 8 探索Galápagos群岛. Exact itineraries are at the direction of Galápagos National Park regulations.
天9 Disembark National Geographic Endeavour II and travel to the mainland
第十天 离开厄瓜多尔前往美国.S.


我们到达厄瓜多尔后与你见面, 要么在基多, 位于安第斯山脉的厄瓜多尔首都, 或者在沿海城市瓜亚基尔, for an included transfer to your convenient hotel for an overnight stay. 这两座城市都有国际航空公司提供良好的服务, and Galápagos flights start and end in Quito with a stop in Guayaquil. Guests in Guayaquil stay at the locally owed Hotel Oro Verde and have the choice of several hotels in Quito, 包括便利的机场酒店.


今天早上, take a required flight to the 加拉帕戈斯群岛 (booked by Lindblad Expeditions at an additional cost) and board National Geographic Endeavour II. 午饭后, we begin our exploration of the islands and their diverse wildlife.


Our expedition includes visits to 圣克鲁斯 and a careful selection of other diverse islands. Our itinerary offers an optimal balance of wildlife, landscapes, and experiences. 所有行程以Galápagos国家公园规定为准. 这是我们在探险期间可能参观的一些岛屿的样本.


燕尾鸥的家园, 诺拉嘲鸟, 纳斯卡咪咪和, 季节性, 蓬塔苏亚雷斯是世界上唯一的波浪信天翁种群.


Follow a trail past a rose pink-tinted lagoon frequented by flamingos. Snorkel among sea lions and abundant fish, or cruise along Champion Islet by Zodiac. 参观邮政湾著名的木桶.


圣克鲁斯不仅是岛上的主要城镇, 这里是查尔斯·达尔文研究站的所在地, 你从哪里了解这里正在进行的科学研究. 参观附近的圈养繁殖项目
Galápagos giant tortoises being conducted by their partners in conservation, Galápagos国家公园管理局. 在高地吃过午饭后, 在原生栖息地寻找野生Galápagos巨龟.
Continue on a second day exploring the north of the island at Cerro Dragon, 这里是彩色圣克鲁斯陆地鬣蜥的栖息地, 从灭绝的边缘复活. 之后乘坐十二宫游轮或在红树林环绕的泻湖划船.


Walk to the top of Bartolome’s volcanic cone for a stunning view of Pinnacle Rock and the surrounding golden sand beaches. After the hike, immerse yourself among schools of multicolored reef fish. 你也可能有机会和Galápagos企鹅一起游泳. 参观Sombrero Chino, 附近的小岛呈中国帽子的形状, 在那里你可以沿着沙利文湾的熔岩流乘坐十二宫快艇, 也可能是皮划艇和桨板.


驶入被水淹没的火山口, 走在燕尾鸥之间, 红脚鲣鸟, 还有纳斯卡鲣鸟,还要留意猎食的短耳猫头鹰. 乘坐橡皮艇, 沿着火山口划独木舟, and snorkel among large schools of parrot fish at this magical place.


今天早上下飞机返回大陆, 在哪里转机到瓜亚基尔的奥罗佛得角酒店, 在基多有几个选择, 包括便利的机场酒店. 下午和晚上是你的闲暇时间. 你可以利用夜间航班回家. 




  • 持续时间:10天
  • 活动水平:中等
  • 费用:小屋起价8美元,每人358*, based on double occupancy; single cabins start at $13,241*.
    • *Prices denote a 10% discount for all individuals traveling with 澳门葡京博彩软件.
  • 押金:行程价格的15%, 人均, payable to Lindblad Expeditions; final payment is due 120 days prior to departure.
  • 协办单位:没有


To ensure a reservation on one of our trips or to find out more information, 联系Sarah Doody, 旅游项目协调员, at 904-432-3141, 或者发邮件给 smithtravel@joker123plus.net. 预订也可传真至866-427-4335. We will contact you and send you the final brochure as soon as it becomes available. 然后你可以寄去你的旅行押金来确认你的位置.



热带安第斯山脉 & 殖民基多

在安第斯山脉进行为期六天的探险. 探索
Quito, a UNESCO World Heritage site, from the comfort of historic Casa
旧金山广场的Gangotena. 然后把自己沉浸在心中
the Ecuadorian Chocó, one of the world’s top five biodiversity hotspots,
在Mashpi Lodge.


马丘比丘 & 秘鲁的印加人之地

从文化和考古的角度来看. 充分利用你的
proximity to explore Peru's Sacred Valley of the Inca, majestic Machu
还有库斯科蜿蜒的殖民地街道. 深入了解


Depart Galápagos this morning and fly to Lima, Peru via Guayaquil, arriving in the evening. 在贝尔蒙德米拉弗洛雷斯公园办理入住手续, set on a green promenade overlooking the Pacific in fashionable Miraflores. 


今天早上探索世界遗产指定的殖民地利马, where we stroll the Plaza Mayor and delight in a private welcome lunch with a special musical presentation at Casa Aliaga, 利马最古老的房子之一. Then visit the extraordinary Larco Museum dedicated to pre-Columbian art. 返回酒店享用晚餐,品尝当地美食.


今天早上登上去库斯科的短途观光航班, and continue to Moray—a visually stunning Inca site with dramatic agricultural terraces in the heart of the fabled and fertile Urubamba Valley. 午餐后,有机会体验当地市场, 在Sol y Luna办理登机手续, 独立拥有的Relais & Châteaux property where we stay in individual casitas set in verdant gardens. 今晚在酒店用晚餐放松一下.


Spend the day exploring the archaeological sites and culture of the Sacred Valley in the company of 历史学家彼得·弗罗斯特 (or a colleague), 在秘鲁生活和工作了几十年的人. He or a colleague joins us for a talk at our hotel and a visit to the massive Inca stone fortress of Ollantaytambo, 坐落在繁荣的印加社区之上. 午餐是在工作间吃的, 家族大庄园, 看秘鲁帕索马表演, 和Nilda Callañaupa, 库斯科传统纺织品中心的创始人, 展示了印加的编织传统.


乘火车去马丘比丘,惊叹于这里的壮丽景色. Check-in at the 31-room Belmond Sanctuary Lodge, adjacent to the UNESCO World Heritage site. 探索 over two days in the company of your handpicked tour director and local guides. 午餐和晚餐在酒店. 


清晨醒来,俯瞰马丘比丘, where we have a full morning to explore with our guides or spend time in 马丘比丘 Pueblo at the foot of the mountain. 午饭后, return by train and bus to Cusco—UNESCO World Heritage site and a burgeoning cultural capital. Check-in at the Belmond Hotel Monasterio, in the heart of colonial Cusco, for two nights.


探索华丽的17世纪大教堂, 神圣的印加太阳神庙, 以及库斯科的其他宝藏. 参观附近的Sacsayhuamán,俯瞰整个城市. 今天下午我们悠闲地游览库斯科. 晚餐自理. 


早餐后,从库斯科飞往利马,转乘回国航班. 这取决于你的航班安排, optional rooms at the Wyndham Costa del Sol Lima Airport Hotel are available.



Cost Includes: Seven hotel nights; meals indicated; transfers if traveling on designated flights; sightseeing; porterage; services of local guides and tour escort; tips to local guides, 司机, and tour escort; taxes and service charges. Not Included: Airfare; meals not indicated as included; alcoholic beverages; personal items.