

Only students in good academic standing may enroll in a Five College course. 学生 may not register for more than eight credits at any one institution.




第一学期,一年级学生在注册五学院课程之前必须获得班级主任的许可. 一年级的第二学期学生可以选修五学院体系中的一门课程,前提是学生的平均成绩达到3分.0 or better in their first term at Smith. 在早期注册(11月)期间提出的请求将不处理,直到添加/删除(1月). First-years may take two Five College courses with permission from the class dean. 

Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件

Ada Comstock奖学金:至少一半的总课程负担(学分)必须是Smith课程.

Registration Instructions

1. 审查 澳门葡京博彩软件的指导方针 for Five College Registration.

2. 审查 Specific Policies for Smith 学生 Taking 课程 Elsewhere. 
你有责任熟悉接收院校的相关规定, including those for attendance, 学术诚实, 评分选项, and deadlines for completing coursework and taking examinations. 澳门葡京博彩软件的学生遵守澳门葡京博彩软件的注册截止日期,除非更改评分选项(P/F),如下所述.

3. 搜索课程. 
Consult the Five College course guides to find a course at one of the other colleges. Be aware that some courses may not be open to Five College students, and not all Five College courses are approved for credit toward the Smith degree.

4. Attain approval of Five College 课程. 
课程 will be reviewed by the registrar at the time the course request is submitted. 我们鼓励通过向注册办公室提交课程描述或教学大纲进行审查来请求事先批准. 通常只有那些属于澳门葡京博彩软件文科课程范围内的课程才会被批准.

课程 offered through 马塞诸斯州大学的 University Without Walls (UWW) are not part of the Five College Interchange.

5. Discuss course selection with your adviser 
Your adviser must approve your schedule every semester, including Five College courses.

6. Submit Request through Workday 
Step by step instructions are available on the 工作日帮助网站

Early Registration (November/April)

课程 with prerequisites and/or restrictions require instructor permission. 请注意,这五所学院无法访问学生的成绩单,因此先决条件只能在教师许可的情况下免除. Instructor permission does not override enrollment limit during early registration.

Add/Drop (September/January)

所有五门大学课程要求在早期注册期间未完成或在早期注册后提交,都需要教师许可. All new requests made during/add drop also require instructor permission. Permission should be submitted as a forwarded email to registrar@joker123plus.net from the instructor's school email address. 导师许可的日期不得早于学期开始前两周.
*Note for 马塞诸斯州大学的 courses - instructor permission does not guarantee a seat in the course.

请注意: 提交五所学院的申请需要与其他校园交换个人信息, including the student's social security number. 所有信息仅向主机注册商发布,并按要求保密 Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act (FERPA).

The registration process can take several days (up to a week), depending on registration procedures at the host school, 所以请耐心点. 您可以在Workday的学生仪表板上检查您的注册请求的状态. Registrations cannot be expedited for Moodle access. 学生有责任从讲师那里获得课程作业,直到注册完成并在主办机构获得Moodle访问权.

批准请求: If both the Smith 注册商 and the host school accept your request, 课程将被添加到您的注册中,您将在Workday的学生仪表板上看到您的请求更新状态为“已注册”.

拒绝请求: 如果您没有被课程录取,您将在Workday的学生仪表板上看到更新的“拒绝”状态和拒绝原因. 请电子邮件 registrar@joker123plus.net 有问题吗?.

取消请求: To cancel your Five College request, contact the Smith 注册商's Office, registrar@joker123plus.net

Dropping Five College courses:一经注册, 您可以在添加/删除期限结束时从工作日注册的五学院课程中删除.

大学五项政策 & 的指导方针


Course credit is earned according to the value awarded by the host institution.

在马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校(马塞诸斯州大学的)的课程将被授予该机构指定的学分. For example, a 马塞诸斯州大学的 course bearing 3.00学分 will be recorded on the Smith transcript at 3.00学分.

学生 registering for courses that are fewer than 4.00学分应该记住,他们可能需要采取额外的学分,导致这种潜在的短缺. 传统学生每学期必须至少修满12个学分,平均每学期必须修满16个学分才能按时毕业.


Smith will record the grade submitted by the host institution.

Amherst, Hampshire and Mount Holyoke

You must declare the S/U or P/F (pass/fail) option at the host campus, following that college's procedures and deadlines; the Smith deadline applies to Smith courses only.


You must send an email with adviser approval to registrar@joker123plus.net by the Smith S/U deadline.


Five College 校历

Openings and closings of semesters on the five campuses vary, particularly in the spring semester and may overlap with Smith interterm. 学生 should make their academic and travel plans accordingly. All students must complete examinations according to the schedule of the host campus.

Five College Bus Service: For more information, students should consult the 五院网站.


For 马塞诸斯州大学的 courses with lab fees, 马塞诸斯州大学的 will bill students directly. Most labs have an associated $95 lab fee.


Depending on the credit policies of the comparable Smith department, 一些入门语言课程需要完成整整一年(通常是两个学期)才能获得学分.

学生 interested in the Five College Supervised Independent Language Program (FCSILP) must obtain permission and should consult their website for more instructions. Credit for level I courses is not awarded until completion of levels II or higher. 外语拉丁荣誉分配不授予,直到完成四级或更高.


A request for independent/special studies must be made on Workday.  A Smith special studies form (由接收学校的指导老师签署),必须与交换生登记表一起提交. 学生 may be required to fill out forms at the host campus as well.

Graduating Seniors and Graduate 学生

春季学期修读五门学院课程的大四毕业生和研究生应特别注意其他校区的考试时间安排. 学生应该被告知,其他学院的教师没有义务做出其他安排,也没有义务提前考试或在规定的截止日期之前提交最终成绩.


有资格获得拉丁荣誉的高年级学生:一旦完成记录,您的GPA将重新计算. 如果授予, 该批注将被添加到文凭中,但由于出版截止日期,可能不会包括在毕业课程中.


五科不全(“I”级)相当于不及格,直到提交最终成绩时才计算. 在某些院校,如果课程作业在下个学期结束前没有完成,不完整的成绩将在学生的正式记录上转换为不及格成绩.

Five College Meal Exchange


In support of Five College academic opportunities, 在其所在学校参加膳食计划的学生可以获得膳食交换. 申请参加交换膳食只会因学术原因被批准. Other meal exchange requests, for which there is a compelling reason, will be reviewed on an individual basis.