“Music’s ability to create connections between people means that it is a force for relating well, 同时, relating well can be a resource for making more music.”
Susan B. Young, Music with the Under-Fours


比如口语, musical ability is a basic human communication tool that we begin learning and using at birth, 如果之前没有. 的 music program at 希尔堡 is designed to allow all children to develop their innate musical ability. It is an integral part of the school day so that children can enjoy hearing and making music as a part of their life at school. Children have access to musical instruments as they explore the world of sound and themselves as producers of music.

的 music program at 希尔堡 is a multi-faceted daily program that incorporates all ages from infancy through preschool.  的 curriculum is designed to blend the emergent curriculum philosophy of Reggio Emilia with the skill-based focus of the 音乐的第一步 博士开发的课程. John Feierabend of the Hartt School of Music at 的 University of Hartford. 

的 第一步 curriculum posits that a successful music program encourages children to be:

  • Tuneful-to have tunes in their heads and to coordinate their voices to sing those tunes.
  • Beatful-to feel the pulse of music and how that pulse is grouped in either 2s or 3s.
  • Artful-to be moved by music in the many ways music can elicit a feelingful response.

With these three goals as guiding principles, the music program at 希尔堡 encourages these types of musical behaviors in a variey of different ways.

的 Music Studio is outfitted with a variety of percussion, string and wind instruments.  Children are encouraged to play and explore the different instruments in both structured and unstructured activities.  Percussion is utilized often to encourage strong beat sense, and pitched instruments like bells, 木琴, and tone bars are used to encourage pitch sense.  With a large open area for creative movement, the Big Common space where music sessions are most often held is the perfect location to move expressively to different styles and genres of music.

社区 building and social development are central to the mission of 希尔堡.  的 Music Studio supports this mission through a variety of group songs, games, and dances.  的 multi-age environment of both the preschool and infant/toddler music sessions allow children of different developmental levels to observe, 交互, 互相学习.

的 project approach is another fundamental element that guides the curriculum at 希尔堡.  This approach to long-term, collaborative projects can be seen in the Music Studio in a variety of ways. Using technology to record and develop vocal or instrumental music is an essential element for long-term project 工作 in the Music Studio. Collaborations with classroom curriculum, and with the Art Studio is another way that the Music Studio supports the implementation of long-term project 工作.

最重要的是, the goal of the Music Studio is to create joy and enthusiasm through the making of music. It is wonderful to hear the children taking the songs and ideas from the Music Studio and incorporating them into their daily routines.  听孩子唱歌, 创建跳动, and move with expression as they play, 工作, and 交互 indendently reflect the impact that the Music Studio makes.

Three children with guitars

的 Hundred Languages of Children

As children make hypotheses, 探索他们的环境, and discover connections and meanings, they use many media to express and communicate their discoveries. In Reggio Emilia, Italy, the educators refer to these as the "hundred languages of children.在希尔堡, specialists in visual arts and music support the teachers and children in using many languages. 的 specialists 工作 with all the children in the school—infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

的 child is made of one hundred.
的 child has a hundred languages
a hundred ways of thinking


for singing and understanding
a hundred worlds to discover

的 child has a hundred languages
(and a hundred hundred hundred more)
的 school and the culture
separate the head from the body.
他们告诉孩子 to think without hands
to listen and not to speak
only at Easter and Christmas.

to discover the world already there

他们告诉孩子 that 工作 and play
that do not belong together.

And thus they tell the child 
that the hundred is not there.
“没门. 100在这里."

Loris Malaguzzi (translated by Lella Gandini)