

澳门葡京博彩软件 is committed to compliance with both the spirit and the letter of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The goal of the college is to assure non-discrimination, to respond proactively in instances of discrimination, and to reasonably provide for full participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of campus life.

The following entities and activities are considered public accommodations under the ADA: establishments serving food or drink; theatres; lecture halls; concert venues; sports facilities; places of exhibition, entertainment and recreation; and private undergraduate and postgraduate schools.

Any activities planned and scheduled to take place on the Smith campus that are open, 或者是公开的, 给澳门葡京博彩软件社区, 五学院社区, or the general public should be accessible to persons with all types of disabilities.


All-campus parties must be held in locations that are accessible to persons with mobility impairments. Any questions should be directed to the Office of Disability 服务 by calling 413-585-2071 or emailing ods@joker123plus.net

For all organizations and houses hosting private events, if the event location is not accessible and guests with mobility impairments will be attending, arrangements should be made ahead of time to accommodate them or to reserve another location. If these arrangements have not been made, the organization or house will be unable to host the event. Questions should be directed to the Office of Disability 服务 by calling 413-585-2071 or emailing ods@joker123plus.net

Responsibilities of event planners include the following:

  • 预留位置, which is accessible to persons with mobility impairments, 包括轮椅使用者, 并宣传该活动是无障碍的. Symbols which denote accessibility are available upon request from the Office of Student Engagement.
  • Consulting the accessibility information table in the appendix of the Guide to Student 组织 and Event Planning when determining potential locations for your events.
  • Requesting and paying for sign-language interpreters, 辅助听力设备, 住字幕, and 车 or other live transcription if requested at conferences, 公开演讲, 音乐会, 等. (Planners may say in publicity materials that such accommodations will be provided if participants request them at least two weeks ahead of time, 如果有服务提供商.
  • For assistance with Sign Language interpreter, 车, 或ALD请求, please contact the Office of Disability 服务 at least two weeks in advance of the event by calling 413-585-2071 or emailing ods@joker123plus.net.
  • 在各种媒体上的广告活动(1).e.,包括视听格式).
  • Making available large-print copies of programs or other printed materials that may be handed out at events.
  • Sending an email to the Office of Disability 服务 regarding any event which accommodates persons with disabilities.
  • Asking all invited guests and participants whether they will need accommodations.

The Office of Disability 服务 is available to provide accessibility assistance to student organizations. For any questions related to the responsibilities outlined in this document, please contact the Office of Disability 服务 by calling 413-585-2071 or emailing ods@joker123plus.net
