
Shipping Belongings to Smith

You may want to send trunks 和 boxes to the college after you have received your housing assignment.

Small boxes can be sent by USPS; large boxes 和 trunks should be sent via UPS or FedEx. All packages should be prepaid 和 insured. If you have any questions please contact mail services at mailservices@joker123plus.net

Your letters 和 packages must be addressed in the following manner:

1 Chapin Way, Unit #XXXX
北安普顿,MA 01063

不要使用“P ?.O. 盒子”数量. Your items will not get to you if addressed this way.

Please do not ship your items more than one week prior to your arrival on campus.

Your items will be held for you at Mail 服务, located on the lower level of the campus center.

请访问  www.美国邮政总局.com ,  www.联合包裹.com 和  www.联邦快递.com to locate your nearest processing location.