

  1. 什么是荣誉委员会?

    学术荣誉委员会是裁决违反学术荣誉守则的机构. 这些违规行为包括, 但不限于, cases of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, 引用不当, cheating) and time violations on exams (overtimes).

    荣誉委员会由八名投票成员组成,其中包括一名大二学生代表, 初级, and senior classes; three faculty members, one from each academic division; the Dean of the Senior Class (adviser to the Board) and the Dean of the College. 主席通常是高级成员,秘书通常是初级成员,均为无表决权成员.

  2. When does a student appear before the Honor Board?

    如果一名教师向荣誉委员会报告了学生的情况,那么学生将出现在荣誉委员会面前, 一个同学, or, in the case of an overtime infraction for a self-scheduled exam, 书记官长.


  3. What is the usual range of the sanctions?

    没有标准的制裁. 通常,荣誉委员会会对学生的作业成绩或最终课程成绩作出处罚. 被发现违反该准则的学生将不允许放弃或更改有关课程的评分选项. 在情节严重或屡屡违规的情况下,荣誉委员会可向学院院长建议该学生停学或永久离校(开除)。.



  4. Can the Academic Honor Board suspend or expel students?

    在屡次或严重违反荣誉守则的情况下,荣誉委员会可向校长建议开除或停学. 这种行为很少见.

  5. Who will be notified of the allegation of a violation of the Honor Code?

    Apart from the members of the Honor Board, only the Class Dean will be notified; however, 涉及指控的特定学生与他们的班级主任分享了此类指控的细节. 如果原告是学生,被指控的学生被发现有违法行为, 有关教授不会被告知细节,只会被要求执行荣誉委员会给予的制裁. The accuser is not informed of the outcome.

  6. How confidential are Honor Board proceedings?

    All proceedings of the Honor Board are confidential. 所有提交给荣誉委员会的信息将严格保密. 无论是荣誉委员会成员还是被叫到荣誉委员会前的人,都不会在会议之外讨论案件. Parents are not informed of the Board’s decisions.

  7. Will a violation be reported on my college transcript?

    通常不. 在极端情况下, 作为处罚的一部分,荣誉委员会可以决定在学生的成绩单上注明. A record of the violation will be kept in the Dean of the College’s Office. When graduate schools or professional schools inquire about Honor Board cases, the records will be reported by the Dean of the College.

  8. 会议上发生了什么?

    荣誉委员会的成员有他们理解案件所需要的任何材料的副本. 提出指控的人和被指控的人将分别获得解释情况的机会,并将有尽可能多的时间(被告和原告不会相互对抗)。. 荣誉委员会成员可以自由提问,以澄清他们可能不理解的任何问题. After testimony is heard from all concerned parties, 荣誉委员会审议案件,通常在会议期间作出决定. 所有受影响的各方会在作出决定后七天内得知结果.

  9. 我必须一个人去开会吗?

    你可以由澳门葡京博彩软件社区的任何成员陪同参加荣誉委员会会议. That person is there as your support and may not address the Board. 你的班级主任也是你的顾问,在指控解决之前和期间, and can accompany you to the meeting if you so choose.

  10. Should I meet with my Class Dean before the meeting?

    Yes, you are required to meet with your Class Dean. 这样做将有助于你进一步理解为什么你被荣誉委员会和荣誉委员会的程序传唤.

  11. 班长在会议中扮演什么角色(如果我选择由他们陪同)??

    Your Class Dean attends the meeting as your adviser. If you do not understand a question, you may ask them for clarification or consult with them during the meeting. 相应年份的班长将陪同任何被带到荣誉委员会面前的五年级学生.

  12. Should I meet with the Chair of the Honor Board?

    Yes, if you are called you must meet with the Chair.

  13. Will being brought to the Honor Board affect my financial aid?


  14. 我必须参加会议吗?

    是的,被叫到荣誉委员会的学生必须在主席指定的时间出现. Meetings with the Honor Board take precedence over all other activities.

  15. Do I need to bring anything with me to the hearing?

    You should bring a written statement that explains the alleged infraction. 当你在荣誉委员会面前时,你可以阅读这份声明,这份声明将与案件档案一起保存. 你可能需要带上笔记或任何其他你认为对在荣誉委员会面前解释这件事有用的材料.

  16. 有上诉程序吗?

    Appeals may be made only on the grounds of gross error in procedure, 侵犯学生权利, 新证据, or extreme bias on the part of the honor board. Appeals may not be filed solely based on disagreeing with the board’s decision.


    The dean of the college shall appoint an appeal board to review the appeal.

    如果上诉委员会认为学术荣誉委员会的决定需要修改, 它将提出新的建议,并通知学院院长,院长将与该学生联系.

  17. Does the Honor Board meet when we are on holidays and breaks?


  18. 《荣誉守则》在哪里出版?


