

Any person at 澳门葡京博彩软件 is free to express opinions 和 support causes by orderly means that do not disrupt the regular 和 essential operation of the institution. 为此目的, 澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员都有义务提供, 保护和促进澳门葡京博彩软件校园内各种形式的思想自由交流. 学院也有义务保证个人的安全, 保护财产和教育过程的连续性.

如果校园是真正的自由, legitimate exchanges of dialogue must proceed without obstruction or coercion from any quarter. 保护澳门葡京博彩软件社区成员有序抗议的权利, 同时也要保护言论自由和倾听的权利, 学院管理部门制定以下规定.


学生, 教员, staff members at 澳门葡京博彩软件 和 persons whom they invite to join them have the right to demonstrate on 澳门葡京博彩软件 property provided they conduct themselves according to the regulations set forth below:

  1. 示威活动在任何情况下都不会妨碍学院建筑的自由进出, or interfere with the free movement of any person on college grounds or in college buildings or otherwise interfere with the normal conduct of college affairs. Demonstrators will conduct themselves in a peaceful 和 orderly manner 和 will refrain from any loud noises that disrupt classes, 会议, 集会或学术追求.
  2. 反对示威者将遵守上述相同的标准. 除正式组成的当局外,不得干涉示威活动.
  3. 如果或何时, 根据学院院长的判断, 学院院长或其指定的代表, a demonstration has passed out of control to the extent that freedom of expression is abridged, 校园内的行动自由或学校事务的正常进行受到威胁, 或者财产受损, a verbal attempt will be made by the college representative to persuade demonstrators to desist from practices in violation of these st和ards.
  4. 难道示威者不能按照这些标准作出反应吗, 他们将被警告后果,并给予一段合理的时间来停止.
  5. 在一段合理的时间届满后, 那些不遵守这些标准的人的名字将被要求. 这些人的姓名可以通过这种方法获得, 力不足, 正如反复要求的那样, 摄影或任何其他合理的程序设计,以获取该等信息. Any photographs 和 negatives used for identification shall become the exclusive property of the appropriate conduct bodies, 不分发, 并将在案件最终解决后销毁.
  6. 如果劝说和警告失败, 可以聘请校园安全官员来控制示威活动.
  7. If, 根据学院院长的判断, 学院院长或其指定的代表, 大学校园安全官员似乎无法成功应对这种情况, 然后,这些当局可能会请求外部援助.

确保程序有序进行, 协助希望不受阻碍地与来访代表面谈的个别学生, to define 和 defend the right to protest peacefully the presence of any representatives 和 to encourage rational discourse under appropriate conditions between visiting representatives 和 any significant group of faculty or students who may question their presence 和 their purposes, 以下做法将被遵守:

  1. Visiting representatives scheduling individual interviews in the Career Development Office or elsewhere on the campus
    • Representatives of any organization about which individual Smith students may express an interest for information 和 consultation will be provided facilities for private interviews in the Office of Career Development or equivalent facilities.
    • Any members of the Five-College community desiring to protest peacefully against the presence of a visiting representative will have the right to conduct such a protest outside the Office of Career Development (or the equivalent facility), 只要访问是免费的, the interview is not disrupted 和 the regular 和 essential operation of the college is not disturbed.
  2. Visiting representatives of any organization desiring space for the public display of informative materials concerning opportunities for careers or commitments will ordinarily be granted space for a table in a college building.
    • Any group of students 和/or faculty desiring a counter display of materials that may challenge the careers or commitments offered by a visiting representative will be granted equivalent space for a table in the same building.
    • 必须保持建筑物内通道的畅通. 必须保留自由进出任何展示台的权利. No sustained colloquy with those staffing display tables will be allowed to infringe upon the rights of other individuals seeking information or consultation. 纠察队或抗议队伍不允许进入大楼.
  3. 征兵人员
    • The law specifically places military recruiters in a special category distinct from any other visiting representatives. 根据法律规定,任何对征兵的“干涉”都是非法的. 法院的法律先例, 以及司法部和白宫的公开声明, indicates that peaceful protests against military recruiters will not be deemed illegal “interference.” The right to peaceful protest as an essential part of the “open-campus” policy thus seems applicable even to the special situation of military recruiters. 学院, 因此, will provide facilities for those who desire interviews with representatives from the military service.
    • 同时, the special conditions attendant upon the presence of military recruiters should be recognized by all. Activities that range into areas of actual “interference” may well subject persons to penalties by the college or by the courts under the special statutes applying to military recruiters.
    • To ensure that all persons consciously weigh the possible consequences of their actions in relation to military recruiters, the college will provide facilities for representatives of the military services in the Office of Career Development.
    • 校园和平抗议的权利, 由学院定义, 必须防范个人或团体的任何可能的武断行动, 就像大学的其他实质性利益或责任一样, will be asserted 和 protected by the college in court or otherwise as circumstances may require.
  4. 公众讨论条款
    • Whenever a group of students 和/or faculty of 澳门葡京博彩软件 sign a petition requesting the opportunity for public discourse with a visiting representative, 该代表(或该机构的官方发言人)将被邀请, 但不是必需的, 与该小组和任何其他感兴趣的人士会面.
    • Any such petition must be given to the director of the Career Development Office at least one week prior to the scheduled appearance of the representative. 局长将确保立即通知代表这一请求, 和, 如果代理人愿意的话, 将为这次会议安排条件吗.

Cases in which an allegation of violation of the foregoing regulations is brought against a 澳门葡京博彩软件 student are within the jurisdiction of the 大学行为委员会.

Cases in which an allegation of violation of these regulations is brought against any other person shall be referred to the president of the college.

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