
家庭 & 《澳门葡京博彩软件》


根据1993年联邦家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA), 学院为符合条件的员工提供探亲假和病假. 

FMLA假期可以带薪休假, 无薪, 或者是有偿和无偿的结合, 视情况而定,并根据本政策的规定. FMLA假期与所有其他适用的假期同时运行, 包括但不限于产假和MA PFML.


In order to qualify for leave under FMLA, you must meet both of the following conditions:

  • 你必须在大学工作至少12个月(52周). 这12个月(52周)不必是连续的. 就资格而言, you will be considered to have been employed for an entire week even if you were on the 支付roll for only part of a week or if you were on leave during the week.
  • 你至少工作了一天,250 hours during the 12-month period immediately before the date that the leave would begin.


为了符合本政策下的FMLA休假资格, 你请假的原因必须是下列原因之一:

  • To care for your 孩子 after birth, or placement for 采用 or foster care;  
  • 照顾你的配偶或登记的同居伴侣, 孩子, 或者父母有“严重的健康状况”;  
  • 照顾好自己的“严重健康状况”;  
  • 由于符合条件的紧急情况你的配偶, 孩子, or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty, 在武装部队中支援紧急行动; or  
  • 照顾有保险的服务人员(即你的配偶), 孩子, 父母或近亲)患有严重疾病或受伤.


Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks of FMLA leave during any 12-month period to care for the employee’s 孩子 after birth, or placement for 采用 or foster care; to care for your own "serious health condition"; or to care for your spouse or registered domestic partner, 孩子, 或者父母有“严重的健康问题”."   

如果你有严重的健康问题需要FMLA, 你可以在FMLA期间使用他们累积的病假和休假时间.  If you require FMLA to care for your family member’s serious health condition, you may be entitled to charge up to forty (40) hours of absence in any fiscal year (July 1-June 30) to your accrued sick bank. 批准可能需要医疗证明. 根据MA PFML,员工也可能有资格获得带薪休假.

FMLA规定的假期将与所有其他适用的假期同时使用, 包括但不限于产假, 家庭休假, 和MA PFML.


Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks of 无薪 FMLA due to a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that your spouse, 孩子, or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty, 在武装部队中支援紧急行动.  符合条件的紧急情况可能包括参加某些军事活动, 安排其他托儿服务, 处理某些财务和法律安排, 等. 

员工可以使用长达8周的病假 during this 12 week period, 还有应得的假期.  根据MA PFML,员工也可能有资格获得带薪休假.


Eligible employees may take up to 26 weeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for a covered service member (who is the employee’s spouse, 孩子, 父母或近亲)患有严重疾病或受伤.  参保军人是指现役军人, 包括国民警卫队或预备役的成员, who had a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty while on active duty that may render the service member medically unfit to perform his/her duties for which the service member is undergoing medical treatment, 有恢复力的, or therapy; or is in outpatient status, 或者在军队的临时残疾退休名单上.

员工可以使用长达8周的病假, 在此假期的前12周内,有4周的假期.  根据MA PFML,员工也可能有资格获得带薪休假.


The college will measure the 12-month period as a rolling 12-month period measured back from the date you use any leave under this policy. 每次你离开, the college will compute the amount of leave you have taken under this policy and subtract it from the 12 weeks of available leave, with the remaining balance as the amount you are entitled to take at that time.


为了分娩, 采用, 或者寄养孩子, FMLA假期必须连续12周以上. 

If you are taking leave for your own serious health condition or 因为严重的健康问题 of a family member, 你可以连续12周休FMLA假, use the leave intermittently (take leave 根据需要 over the course of the year), or, 在某些情况下, 利用休假减少每周或每天的工作时间, 这会导致工作时间减少吗. 在所有情况下, your FMLA leave may not exceed a total of 12 weeks over a 12-month period (or if it involves a covered injured service member leave situation more than 26 weeks in a single 12 month period).

You and the college must mutually agree to an intermittent leave or reduced-hour schedule where possible.  如果无法达成协议, you must prove that the use of the intermittent leave is medically necessary. The college may require certification of the medical necessity as discussed below.

对于可预见的间歇休假, the college may temporarily transfer you to an available alternative position with equivalent 支付 and 好处 if the alternative position would better accommodate an intermittent or reduced schedule.


在FMLA休假期间,您将继续获得个人时间. 你没有病假或假期, 你也没有休假工资, 休假工资, 丧亲离开, 或者陪审义务假. 

在FMLA休假期间, you may continue membership in the college's health and welfare 好处 programs.  The college will continue to 支付 its contributions during the leave period at the same level and under the same conditions as if you had continued to work. 你要支付你那份保险费.


如果你因为自己严重的健康状况申请FMLA, you must submit a medical certification from your health care provider that establishes that you are eligible for FMLA.  认证必须尽快提供, and not later than the date leave begins or within 15 days of the college’s request, 以较晚的为准. Failure to provide the required certification may result in a denial of continuation of leave. Medical certification may be provided by submitting the Attending Physician's Statement form available from 人力资源.

该证明必须包括疾病开始的日期, 预期持续时间, 诊断, 一个声明是, 因为严重的健康问题, 你不能工作或需要持续治疗. The college has the right to ask for a second opinion if it has reason to doubt the certification.

如果您要求FMLA照顾家庭成员的严重健康状况, 或者对有保险的服务人员, the certification must include: (1) verification that the family member has a serious health condition or serious injury or illness, 如上所定义, 以及这种情况开始的日期, (二)病情可能持续的时间, (3) an explanation of the amount of care you will be required to provide for their family member or covered service member, and (4) a statement that the condition warrants your participation to provide care. The college reserves the right to contact the health care provider to seek clarification of information in the certification, 根据需要, 并且可能需要重新认证, 适当的.  

如果你计划间歇性休假或减少工作时间, the certification must also include the dates and duration of treatment and a statement of medical necessity for taking intermittent leave or working a reduced schedule.


Before returning to work at the conclusion of a leave due to your own serious health condition, you are required to provide a certification from your health care provider regarding your ability to return to work.  你可以提交 医生批准返回工作岗位 表格,可向人力资源部索取. The college may require that employees be examined by a college-designated physician before returning to work to ensure fitness for duty.


如果你请假的话, 你将能够回到相同的工作岗位或同等地位的工作岗位, 支付, 好处, 以及其他雇佣条款. 该职位将是相同的或需要同等技能的职位, 努力, 职责和权限.
