
家庭 & 《澳门葡京博彩软件》


In accordance with the federal 家庭 and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), the college provides eligible employees with family and medical leave. 

FMLA假期可以带薪休假, 无薪, or a combination of paid and 无薪, depending on the circumstances and as specified in this policy. FMLA leave runs concurrently with all other applicable leave, including but not limited to 育婴假 和MA PFML.



  • You must have worked for the college at least 12 months (52 weeks). The 12 months (52 weeks) need not have been consecutive. 就资格而言, 你将被认为是被雇佣了整整一周,即使你只在一周的一部分时间里领工资,或者你在一周内休假.
  • You must have worked at least 1,在紧接假期开始日期之前的12个月期间内的250小时.


In order to qualify for FMLA leave under this policy, you must be taking the leave for one of the following reasons:

  • 照顾你的孩子出生后,或安排领养或寄养;  
  • To care for your spouse or registered domestic partner, 孩子, or parent with a "serious health condition";  
  • To care for your own "serious health condition";  
  • Due to a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that your spouse, 孩子, 或父母是现役或已被通知即将调用或命令现役, in the Armed Forces in support of a contingency operation; or  
  • To care for a covered service member (who is your spouse, 孩子, parent or next of kin) with a serious illness or injury.

Leave to Care for a Child or a Serious 健康 Condition

在任何12个月期间,符合条件的雇员最多可休12周的FMLA假,以照顾雇员出生后的孩子, or placement for 采用 or foster care; to care for your own "serious health condition"; or to care for your spouse or registered domestic partner, 孩子, or parent with a "serious health condition."   

If you require FMLA for your own serious health condition, you can use their accrued sick time and vacation time during FMLA.  如果您需要FMLA照顾您的家庭成员的严重健康状况, 在任何财政年度(7月1日至6月30日),您可以向您的累计病假银行收取最多四十(40)小时的缺勤费用. A medical certification may be required for approval. Employees may also be eligible for paid leave under MA PFML.

Leave under the FMLA will run concurrently with all other applicable leave, including but not limited to 育婴假, 家庭休假, 和MA PFML.


符合条件的雇员可以获得长达12周的无薪FMLA,因为你的配偶有一个符合条件的紧急情况, 孩子, 或父母是现役或已被通知即将调用或命令现役, in the Armed Forces in support of a contingency operation.  Qualifying exigencies may include attending certain military events, arranging for alternative 孩子care, addressing certain financial and legal arrangements, 等. 

在这12周期间,员工最多可以使用8周的病假, as well as any earned vacation time.  Employees may also be eligible for paid leave under MA PFML.

Military Service Member Illness or Injury

符合条件的雇员可以在一个12个月的期间内最多休假26周,以照顾受保的服务成员(即雇员的配偶), 孩子, parent or next of kin) with a serious illness or injury.  A covered service member is a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, 服役期间因执行职务而严重受伤或患病,以致在身体上不适合履行其正在接受治疗的职责的服务人员, 有恢复力的, or therapy; or is in outpatient status, or is on the military’s temporary disability retired list.

Employees may use up to 8 weeks of earned sick time, and 4 weeks of vacation time during the first 12 weeks of this leave.  Employees may also be eligible for paid leave under MA PFML.


学校将以滚动的方式计算12个月的期限,从你在此政策下使用任何假期之日算起. 每次你离开, 学院将计算你在此政策下的休假天数,并从12周的可用休假中减去, 剩下的余额作为你当时有权取的金额.

Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Work Schedule

为了分娩, 采用, 或者寄养孩子, FMLA leave must be taken over 12 consecutive weeks. 

如果您是由于自己的严重健康状况或由于家庭成员的严重健康状况而休假, you may take FMLA leave in 12 consecutive weeks, 间断性地使用假期(在一年中根据需要休假), or, 在某些情况下, use the leave to reduce the work week or work day, which would result in a reduced-hour work schedule. 在所有情况下, 你的FMLA假期在12个月内不能超过12周(或者如果它涉及受伤的服务人员在单个12个月内超过26周)。.

你和学院必须在可能的情况下同意间歇性休假或减少工作时间.  If an agreement is not possible, 你必须证明使用间歇假在医学上是必要的. 学院可能需要医疗必要性证明,如下所述.

For intermittent leave that is foreseeable, 如果你的替代职位能更好地适应间歇性或减少的时间表,学院可能会暂时将你转到一个有同等薪酬和福利的替代职位.

Effect of FMLA Leave on Paid Time and 好处

在FMLA休假期间, you continue to earn personal time. You do not accrue sick leave or vacation, and you are not entitled to recess 支付, 休假工资, 丧亲离开, 或者陪审义务假. 

在FMLA休假期间, 你可以继续参加学校的健康和福利计划.  在休假期间,学院将继续按照与您继续工作相同的水平和条件支付缴费. You will be billed for your share of the premiums.

Medical Certification of a Serious 健康 Condition

If you request FMLA for your own serious health condition, 您必须提交您的医疗保健提供者的医疗证明,证明您有资格获得FMLA.  The certification must be provided as soon as possible, 并且不得迟于休假开始日期或在学院提出要求后的15天内, 以较晚的为准. 未能提供所需的证明可能导致拒绝继续休假. 医疗证明可以通过向人力资源部提交主治医生声明表来提供.

The certification must include the date when the condition began, 预期持续时间, 诊断, 一个声明是, because of the serious health condition, you are unable to work or need ongoing medical treatment. 如果学院有理由怀疑该认证,则有权要求第二意见.

If you request FMLA to care for a family member’s serious health condition, or for a covered service member, 证明必须包括:(1)证明家庭成员有严重健康状况或严重受伤或疾病, 如上所定义, and the date such condition began, (2) the probable duration of the condition, (3)说明你需要为他们的家庭成员或承保的服务人员提供多少护理, (4)一份声明,表明你的病情需要你参与治疗. 学院保留联系医疗保健提供者以澄清认证信息的权利, 根据需要, and may require recertification, 适当的.  

If you plan to take intermittent leave or work a reduced schedule, 该证明还必须包括治疗日期和持续时间,以及因医疗原因需要间歇性休假或缩短工作时间表的说明.

Return to Work Certification

在因自身严重健康状况而休完假返回工作岗位之前, 您需要提供您的医疗保健提供者关于您重返工作岗位的能力的证明.  你可以提交 Physician's Approval to Return to Work form, which is available from 人力资源. 学院可能会要求员工在返回工作岗位之前由学院指定的医生进行检查,以确保健康.

就业 Status after FMLA Leave

如果你请假的话, you will be able to return to the same job or a job with equivalent status, 支付, 好处, 以及其他雇佣条款. The position will be the same or one which entails equivalent skill, 努力, 职责和权限.

For questions regarding FMLA leave, please contact 人力资源.