
Equal 就业 Opportunities



澳门葡京博彩软件肯定,教育环境各方面的多样性是实现最高水平学术卓越的必要条件. As a central element of this commitment to excellence, 学院力求提供一个环境,促进多元化学生的招聘和成功, faculty and staff community. The college aspires to create and maintain an educational, 工作, 以及尊重差异、没有骚扰行为的生活环境.

澳门葡京博彩软件的政策是不分种族提供平等的就业机会, color, 宗教, 宗教信仰, 性, 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄, 性取向, gender identity or expression, 残疾, 遗传信息, military or veteran status, pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. This policy relates to all phases of 就业 including, 但不限于, 招聘, 就业, 放置, 促销活动, 降职或调职, reduction of workforce and termination, rates of 支付 or other forms of compensation, professional development and training, the use of all facilities, and participation in all college-sponsored employee activities.

澳门葡京博彩软件 员工 carry out this commitment by:

  1. Lawfully administering all 就业 policies;
  2. 处理和不容忍工作场所的非法歧视,包括骚扰
  3. 处理和不容忍工作场所的不专业行为.
  4. 使所有就业决定符合平等就业机会的基本原则.
  5. Making reasonable accommodations for 员工 with disabilities. 看到 第102节 for 残疾 policy.

*根据本政策,骚扰发生在基于员工受保护身份的身体或言语行为, 上面引用的, 是否造成了恐吓、敌意或攻击性的工作环境, or unreasonably interferes with a person’s work performance.

符合其对准入和多样性的承诺,也符合其作为联邦承包商的承诺, 学院采取平权行动,根据适用法律和行政命令的要求,以确保少数民族, 女性, 退伍军人, 残疾人士也被引入我们的员工队伍,并在他们出现时考虑他们的晋升机会.

学院的每位主管都有责任确保这些政策的实施,以避免任何就业歧视. 所有员工都应该熟悉这些政策并配合其实施. 故意违反这些政策的员工将受到纪律处分. Employees and applicants shall not be subjected to retaliation or intimidation because they have: (1) filed a complaint; (2) assisted or participated in an investigation, 合规审查, 听证会或任何其他与联邦政府有关的活动, 状态, or local law requiring equal 就业 opportunity; (3) opposed any act or practice made unlawful by any federal, 状态, or local law requiring equal opportunity; or (4) exercised any other legal right protected by federal, 状态, or local law requiring equal opportunity.

负责公平与包容事务的副校长和《澳门葡京博彩软件》临时协调员已被指派与人力资源部门合作,指导建立并监督人事程序的实施,以指导整个学院的平权行动项目, 并监督和协调学院的一切努力,以实现其在实现校园多样性的目标. This policy and related initiatives are posted on the Office for 公平与包容 网站.

Commitment to Academic Freedom

As an academic institution, 教学, 做研究, 学习受到学院学术自由政策中所述的“学术自由”的保护. 基于学术自由的基本原则,在学术课程和教学环境中为合法和合理的教育目的服务的行为或言语不会被视为骚扰或非法歧视.



I. Pre-Complaint Resolution Strategies

在一个多元化的社会里,不同程度的严重分歧和冲突是不可避免的. Many issues are best resolved informally, by direct communication between the individuals involved, or with the help of mediation by a third party.  然而, 当行为严重或对所指控行为负责的人担任权威职位时,这种策略可能是不适当的. 在这种情况下,我们鼓励投诉人使用正式的投诉程序. A complaint may be filed via EthicsPoint found on the Office for 公平与包容 网站.

大学社区的以下成员可以根据本政策讨论投诉或担忧:所有主管或部门负责人, the vice president for equity and inclusion, the director of equal opportunity and compliance, the associate vice president for human resources, the assistant director of employee relations, 社会工作学院院长(社会工作学院员工可选).

这些人员准备协助评估一个问题,并解释解决问题的备选办法和现有资源. Questions are encour年龄d; merely discussing an incident in this way does not commit an individual to making a complaint.

After discussion with one or more of these persons, the complainant may: pursue the matter on their own; ask the director of equal opportunity and compliance to discuss the matter with the person who eng年龄d in the conduct; inquire about the possibility of mediation; or proceed to the formal complaint process described below. 平等机会和遵守司司长将向当事各方提供有关所涉及的实质性问题、处理投诉的方法及其可能的解决办法的资料. Should one of these persons undertake to mediate, they will inform the director of equal opportunity and compliance.

当各方达成可接受的解决方案时,该问题将被视为解决. 决议的书面记录和任何其他相关文件将由公平与包容办公室保存,不会成为人事档案的一部分. Failure to  respond to a complaint, or refusal to participate in informal mediation, 不得在可能出现的任何正式程序中作为对价提出.

当被投诉的行为如此恶劣,以至于构成违反政策的行为,可能导致纪律处分时,非正式的解决办法可能不合适.  在了解了可能属于该政策范围的情况后, 上述任何人员都将与公平与包容副总裁和/或平等机会与合规总监就行动方案进行磋商.

II. Formal Complaint 过程s

当学院根据本政策收到正式投诉时,将以公平和迅速的方式立即调查指控. 我们将尽一切努力进行调查,同时在实际情况下尽可能保密. If it is determined that this policy has been violated, the college will act promptly to eliminate the offending conduct, and where appropriate will impose disciplinary action.


如果投诉人认为平等机会政策已被违反,而非正式解决是不合适的, or has not been successful, 他们应及时向主管或部门主管报告事件, vice president for equity and inclusion, the director of equal opportunity and compliance, the associate vice president of human resources, the assistant director of human resources, 或社会工作学院院长(社会工作学院员工可选择). In order to aid in the fairness of this process, 正式的书面投诉“强烈鼓励”在违规或可疑的行为或行为发生后7(7)个日历天内提交.

这一程序不包括基于性别和性行为不端的指控,这是由学院的 性别 and 不正当的性行为 Policy, Section 105, in this handbook. 


  • 平等机会及合规处处长或其指定人员会对投诉进行迅速及公正的调查. The investigation will consist of gathering relevant information, 包括通过对投诉者的采访,  被投诉的一个或几个人,以及其他可能目睹所报告事件的人,以及审查有关文件的人.
  • Upon completion of the investigation, 平等机会与合规主管或其指定人员或公平与包容副总裁将与投诉者和被投诉者单独会面, to prepare the results of the investigation and, where a remedy is determined to be appropriate, 通知各方将采取哪些步骤来纠正这种情况.

如果调查结果发现违反了这项政策, 进一步的行动将与人力资源助理副总裁和/或教务长和教务长协商, or, 社会工作学院院长(如雇员在社会工作学院工作),包括纪律处分,例如但不限于训斥, change in work assignment, mandatory training or suspension and/or immediate termination.


通过本程序调查和解决投诉所采取的所有行动都应尽可能保密, 自由裁量权, and confidentiality as possible, 不损害调查的彻底性和公正性. All persons involved should treat the situation with respect. To conduct a thorough investigation, 调查人员可以与证人以及与投诉有关或受投诉影响的人员讨论投诉, 以及协助调查或实施适当纪律处分所必需的人员.

No Retaliation for Filing a Complaint

不能容忍因个人提出投诉或协助调查此类投诉而对其进行报复. Any acts of retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action. 如果参与调查的个人认为他们受到了报复, they should contact one of the on-campus resources listed.

3. State and Federal Agency Complaints

In addition to the above, 认为自己受到非法歧视的个人可以向下列政府机构提出正式投诉. 使用大学的投诉程序并不禁止个人向这些机构中的任何一个提交投诉. 向马萨诸塞州反歧视委员会(MCAD)或平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)提出的索赔必须在涉嫌侵犯之日起300天内提出.

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)

One Ashburton Place, Room 601
(617) 994-6000

436 Dwight Street, Rm 220
Springfield, MA 01103
(413) 739-2145

U. S. Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

约翰F. Kennedy Federal Building
Telephone: (617) 565-3200

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

2008年《澳门葡京博彩软件》第二章保护申请人和雇员在招聘时不受基于遗传信息的歧视, 促销活动, 放电, 支付, 附加福利, 职业培训, 分类, referral and other aspects of 就业. GINA还限制雇主获取基因信息,并严格限制基因信息的披露. 遗传信息包括申请人的基因测试信息, 员工, or their family members; the manifestation of disease or disorders in family members (family medical history); and requests for or receipt of genetic services by applicants, 员工, or their family members.