
假期(豁免 & 行政人员)



If you are employed in a regular or limited-term position of half time or more, 你有资格享受带薪假期. 如果你的工作时间是固定的一半或者更多, you are eligible for prorated vacation based on the number of hours you are scheduled to work. If you work less than half time or hold a temporary position, you are not eligible for paid vacation.



If you work a full-time 11- or 12-month schedule, you accrue vacation at the rate of 1.每月工作67天,每年工作20天. 在连续服务了25年之后, your monthly accrual is adjusted so that you will accrue an additional week of vacation or a total of 25 days per year.  

假期按周年计年. You begin to earn vacation starting with your date of hire and continue to accrue a portion of your vacation each month. 你有资格休假, 必须得到你的顶头上司的批准, 在你完成六个月的服务之后.


如果你的工作是一个学年的计划,你不会累积假期. 而不是, you are entitled to approximately 10 paid recess days per year to be taken during scheduled recess periods (fall, 冬天, 还有春假). The number of paid recess days may vary slightly from year to year based on the academic calendar. A calendar of recess days for academic-year staff is published and distributed prior to the beginning of the academic year. For new employees, recess days are prorated based on your date of hire.

If department needs require that you work during a normal college recess period, you are entitled to take an equal amount of time off at a later date mutually agreed upon between you and your supervisor. 

If you are a 9- or 10-month employee working in an administrative department, you may take recess leave either during college recess periods or at other times that are mutually agreed upon between you and your supervisor.

经过25年的服务, 你有权多休五天假, which may be taken at times that are mutually agreed upon between you and your supervisor.


If you hold a limited-term position which exceeds three consecutive years, you are entitled to vacation on the same terms and conditions as employees holding regular positions. Payment will be made for unused vacation at the expiration of the limited-term position. However, the college encourages you to take your vacation during the term of your appointment.


如果你的工作期限是一到三年, you accrue vacation at the rate of 15 days per year to be taken at a time mutually agreed upon between you and your supervisor.


如果你的工作是一个学年的时间表, your recess days (approximately 10 days) should be taken at a time mutually agreed upon between you and your supervisor.


In cases where departmental workload makes it difficult for you to take your full vacation, 或者在特殊的个人情况下, 假期可以延续到下一个财政年度. Accrual of vacation stops when your vacation bank totals 1½ times your annual accrual rate. Maximum accumulation for employees with less than 25 years of service is limited to 30 days. Maximum accrual for employees with 25 or more years of service is 37½ days.

休假条款 & 条件

All vacation is at full salary (based on your normal salary rate) and all benefits continue during paid vacation leave. 你在所有缺勤期间都有假期 除了 以下几点:

  • 无薪休假;
  • 长期伤残假;
  • Any combination of paid and/or unpaid leave which exceeds 12 consecutive weeks.

Any college holiday which occurs while you are on vacation is considered a holiday and is not charged to your vacation. 

In situations such as a serious illness requiring hospitalization or doctor’s care, 家庭中的死亡, or call to jury or military service that occur while you are on a scheduled vacation, you may ask your department head to authorize an extension of your vacation or to restore an appropriate amount of vacation for later use.

如果你离开学校, your last work day in a position is considered your official termination date. 截止到那一天,你所获得的任何假期都将支付给你. Normally, vacation time should not be used during your notice period. 你不能利用假期来延长你的正式离职日期.


Requests for vacation should be made in writing to your supervisor or department head as far in advance as possible in order to minimize disruption in the department's work.  Vacations should not interfere with the normal operating efficiency of your office or department.

Departments which experience cyclical periods of heavy workload may require that vacations not be taken during those times.  同样的, departments which experience "downtime" during certain periods may encourage staff to schedule vacations at those times. 在这些情况下, department heads should notify staff of these requirements in advance, 最好是在录用的时候.


Your supervisor or department head is responsible for scheduling all vacations. Although every reasonable attempt will be made to accommodate your request, your department head has the right to limit or refuse vacations if, 在他们看来, 你在那个时候休假会影响部门的运作.

Employees are encouraged to cooperate with each other in arranging for vacation leave requests. In the case of conflicting vacation requests that the individuals involved cannot resolve, consideration will be given to the order in which vacation requests were received and to the employees' length of service in that office.

只要有可能, you are encouraged to keep your department informed of your vacation itinerary so that you can be reached in the event of an emergency.


更多信息请参见 假期预支工资(第300条).