


A leave without pay is defined as an excused unpaid absence that lasts longer than 10 work days but does not exceed six months. A leave without pay may be granted for compelling personal reasons when time off is not available under any other applicable leave, 包括学校的一个休假计划, FMLA或马萨诸塞州带薪家庭和医疗假.

A leave without pay is a privilege that involves responsibility on your part and on the part of your department, 因此,它不是自动授予的,也不是出于礼貌. 建议无薪休假, your department is asserting that it will accommodate your absence and hold open your position because your services are of particular value to the department and the college. In turn, you must give assurance that you will return to active employment at the end of the leave. 在某些情况下, 与通知, an individual may be asked to return early from an approved leave without pay.


If you have been employed at the college for a minimum of 12 consecutive months in a regular position of half time or more, you are eligible to apply for a 无薪休假 of up to six consecutive months.

如果你的职位是有期限的或临时的, or if you have been employed at the college for less than 12 consecutive months, 或者工作时间少于一半, 你没有资格无薪休假.


有时, unavoidable circumstances or extraordinary opportunities may occur which require your full attention for a period of several consecutive weeks or months. 如果你需要从工作中抽出时间, you are expected to first use all available paid time to cover your absence. 毕竟你的付费时间都用完了, 你可以申请无薪休假,原因如下:

  • 长期的疾病或伤害;
  • 个人问题或家庭责任;
  • 与你在澳门葡京博彩软件的职业相关的教育;
  • other compelling circumstances not covered by another college leave plan

A leave without pay will not be granted if the primary purpose is to enable you to seek or maintain employment elsewhere.


The length of a leave without pay is determined on an individual basis as circumstances warrant; however, leaves of more than six consecutive months are normally not granted.  请注意以下事项:

  • A leave without pay which is initially granted for less than six months may be extended prior to expiration for up to a total of six months.
  • 针对学年级员工, summer months and recess periods count as part of the six consecutive months.  
  • A leave without pay cannot be used to extend the length of a parental, 采用, 或者探亲假, 并且不可以分成两个学年.

如果你被允许无薪休假, you must complete two years of consecutive service before you will be eligible to apply for another leave without pay.


在无薪休假期间,你继续获得个人时间. 你没有病假或假期, 你也没有休假工资, 休假工资, 丧亲离开, 陪审职务假, 或任何其他带薪休假. 当你回到工作岗位, vacation and sick leave accruals will resume at the rates in effect at the time the leave began.

你可以保留学院团体健康的会员资格, 牙科, 生活, and long-term disability insurance plans during a leave without pay. The college will discontinue its contributions and you must assume the full cost of premium payments for any plans you wish to continue.  没有退休金供款. 学费 benefits are normally not available during a leave without pay.


Your position at the college will be held for the period of your leave without pay. You are expected to return to active employment at the end of your leave.

You should contact your supervisor or department head at least two weeks prior to the specified date of return to confirm arrangements for your return to active status. Failure to return to work from an authorized leave will result in termination of employment.


无薪休假不是一种权利. The review of your request will include consideration of your service and performance record and the department's needs and constraints. Your department head is under no obligation to recommend a leave without pay if the leave would create operational problems for the department or would result in undue hardship to other staff members. 

If your department cannot accommodate your request for a leave without pay, 你可能不得不从学校辞职. 然而, 如果你后来被重新雇用, your prior service time will be reinstated provided that you meet the criteria outlined in Reinstatement of Previous Service Time.


An 无薪休假申请书 一旦知道需要休假,必须尽快填写表格, but generally no less than 30 days prior to the requested starting date of the leave. You may obtain this application from the Office of 人力资源. 将填妥的表格提交给你的部门主管. The request for leave without pay must be discussed with your supervisor and department head. Issues which must be addressed include the impact of the proposed leave on the department's workload and on co-workers.  

如果你的部门主管支持你的要求, s/he will formalize the terms of the leave or adjusted schedule and forward the request to the appropriate senior staff member and to the Office of 人力资源.  

人力资源办公室, 与资深工作人员协商后, 是否负责批准无薪休假. If your request is approved, 人力资源 will confirm the terms and duration of the leave.

当您收到确认邮件时, you should contact the Office of 人力资源 to discuss benefit coverage and payment procedures during your leave. In order to extend a leave without pay beyond its original term (but typically not to exceed a total absence of six months), you must submit a written request to your department head or complete a new application form.  After consulting with your department head and senior staff member, the Office of 人力资源 will advise you in writing of any extension or changes in the terms of your leave without pay.