



澳门葡京博彩软件 affirms that diversity in all aspects of the educational environment is necessary for achieving the highest level of academic excellence. 作为追求卓越的核心要素, 学院力求提供一个环境,促进多元化学生的招聘和成功, 教职员工群体. 学院渴望创造和维持一种教育, 工作, 以及尊重差异、没有骚扰行为的生活环境.

澳门葡京博彩软件的政策是不分种族提供平等的就业机会, color, 宗教, 宗教信仰, 性, 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 残疾, 遗传信息, 军人或退伍军人身份, 怀孕或与怀孕有关的情况. 这项政策涉及就业的所有阶段,包括, 但不限于, 招聘, 就业, 放置, 促销活动, 降职或调职, 裁员和解雇, 工资率或其他形式的补偿, 专业发展及培训, 所有设施的使用, 参加所有学校组织的员工活动.


  1. 依法执行各项就业政策;
  2. 处理和不容忍工作场所的非法歧视,包括骚扰
  3. 处理和不容忍工作场所的不专业行为.
  4. 使所有就业决定符合平等就业机会的基本原则.
  5. 为残疾员工提供合理的便利. 看到 第102节 残疾政策.

*根据本政策,骚扰发生在基于员工受保护身份的身体或言语行为, 上面引用的, 是否造成了恐吓、敌意或攻击性的工作环境, 或者不合理地干扰他人的工作表现.

符合其对准入和多样性的承诺,也符合其作为联邦承包商的承诺, 学院采取平权行动,根据适用法律和行政命令的要求,以确保少数民族, 女性, 退伍军人, 残疾人士也被引入我们的员工队伍,并在他们出现时考虑他们的晋升机会.

It is the responsibility of each supervisor of the college to ensure implementation of these policies to avoid any discrimination in 就业. 所有员工都应该熟悉这些政策并配合其实施. 故意违反这些政策的员工将受到纪律处分. Employees and applicants shall not be subjected to retaliation or intimidation because they have: (1) filed a complaint; (2) assisted or participated in an investigation, 合规审查, 听证会或任何其他与联邦政府有关的活动, 状态, or local law requiring equal 就业 opportunity; (3) opposed any act or practice made unlawful by any federal, 状态, 或者当地法律要求机会均等; or (4) exercised any other legal right protected by federal, 状态, 或者当地法律要求机会均等.

The Vice President for 公平与包容 and  Interim 第九条 Coordinator in conjunction with 人力资源 have been assigned to direct the establishment of and to monitor the implementation of personnel procedures to guide our affirmative action program throughout the college, 并监督和协调学院的一切努力,以实现其在实现校园多样性的目标. 此政策及相关措施已上载于 平等与包容办公室 网站.


作为一个学术机构, 教学, 做研究, 学习受到学院学术自由政策中所述的“学术自由”的保护. Actions or words used in the context of the academic curriculum and 教学 environments that serve legitimate and reasonable educational purposes will not be evaluated as harassment or unlawful discrimination because of the principles underlying academic freedom.


The College has created the following guidelines and procedures for the resolution of complaints alleging violation of the Affirmative Action/Equal 就业 Opportunity Policy.

I. 投诉前解决策略

在一个多元化的社会里,不同程度的严重分歧和冲突是不可避免的. 许多问题最好以非正式方式解决, 通过相关个人之间的直接沟通, 或者在第三方调解的帮助下.  然而, such a strategy may be inappropriate when the conduct is severe or when the person responsible for the alleged behavior holds a position of authority. 在这种情况下,我们鼓励投诉人使用正式的投诉程序. 投诉可以通过ethicpoint提交 平等与包容办公室 网站.

The following members of the college community are available to discuss complaints or concerns under this policy: all supervisors or department heads, 负责公平和包容的副主席, 董事机会均等与合规, 负责人力资源的副总裁, 负责员工关系的副主任, 社会工作学院院长(社会工作学院员工可选).

These persons are prepared to assist with the assessment of a concern and to explain the options and resources available for resolving concerns. Questions are encour年龄d; merely discussing an incident in this way does not commit an individual to making a complaint.

在与这些人中的一个或多个讨论之后, the complainant may: pursue the matter on their own; ask 董事机会均等与合规 to discuss the matter with the person who eng年龄d in the conduct; inquire about the possibility of mediation; or proceed to the formal complaint process described below. The director of equal opportunity and compliance will provide information to the parties on the substantive issues involved and the means for addressing the complaint and its possible resolution. 这些人中应该有人出面调解吗, 他们将告知主管机会均等和合规情况.

当各方达成可接受的解决方案时,该问题将被视为解决. A written record of the resolution and any other relevant documents will be maintained by the 平等与包容办公室 and will not become part of a personnel file. 对投诉没有回应, 或者拒绝参加非正式调解, 不得在可能出现的任何正式程序中作为对价提出.

Informal resolution may not be appropriate when the behavior complained of is so egregious as to constitute a violation of policy that could result in disciplinary action.  在了解了可能属于该政策范围的情况后, any of the above listed persons will consult with the 负责公平和包容的副总裁 and/or 董事机会均等与合规 regarding a course of action.

II. 正式投诉程序

When the college receives a formal complaint under this policy it will promptly investigate the allegation in a fair and expeditious manner. 我们将尽一切努力进行调查,同时在实际情况下尽可能保密. 如果确定违反了此政策, 学院将迅速采取行动消除这种违规行为, 并在适当的时候采取纪律处分.


如果投诉人认为平等机会政策已被违反,而非正式解决是不合适的, 或者没有成功, 他们应及时向主管或部门主管报告事件, 负责公平和包容的副总裁, 董事机会均等与合规, 人力资源部的副总裁, 人力资源部副主任, 或社会工作学院院长(社会工作学院员工可选择). 为了帮助这个过程的公平性, formal written complaints are “strongly encour年龄d" to be filed within 7 (seven) calendar days of the offending or questionable action or behavior.

这一程序不包括基于性别和性行为不端的指控,这是由学院的 性别及性行为不端政策本手册第105条. 


  • 平等机会及合规处处长或其指定人员会对投诉进行迅速及公正的调查. 调查将包括收集有关资料, 包括通过对投诉者的采访,  the person or persons against whom the complaint was made and other individuals who may have witnessed the reported incident or incidents as well as reviewing relevant documentation.
  • 调查完成后, 董事机会均等与合规 or their designee or the 负责公平和包容的副总裁 will meet individually with the person who made the complaint and the individual(s) against whom the complaint was made, 准备调查结果和, 在什么情况下确定了适当的补救措施, 通知各方将采取哪些步骤来纠正这种情况.

如果调查结果发现违反了这项政策, further action will be taken in consultation with the associate vice president of human resources and/or the provost and dean of the faculty, or, the dean of the School for Social Work (if the employee works in the School for Social Work) including disciplinary action such as 但不限于 reprimand, 工作分配的变化, 强制培训或停职和/或立即解雇.


通过本程序调查和解决投诉所采取的所有行动都应尽可能保密, 自由裁量权, 尽可能保密, 不损害调查的彻底性和公正性. 所有相关人员都应该尊重这种情况. 进行彻底的调查, 调查人员可以与证人以及与投诉有关或受投诉影响的人员讨论投诉, 以及协助调查或实施适当纪律处分所必需的人员.


Retaliation against an individual for making a complaint or for assisting in the investigation of such a complaint will not be tolerated. 任何报复行为都将受到纪律处分. 如果参与调查的个人认为他们受到了报复, 他们应该联系列出的校园资源之一.

3. 州和联邦机构投诉

除了以上, an individual who believes they have been subjected to illegal discrimination may file a formal complaint with the government 年龄ncies listed below. 使用大学的投诉程序并不禁止个人向这些机构中的任何一个提交投诉. Claims filed with 马萨诸塞州反歧视委员会(MCAD) or 平等就业机会 Commission (EEOC) must be filed within 300 days from the date of the alleged violation.


(617) 994-6000

Springfield, MA 01103
(413) 739-2145

U. S. 平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)

约翰F. 肯尼迪联邦大厦


Title II of the 遗传信息非歧视法案 of 2008 protects applicants and 员工 from discrimination based on 遗传信息 in hiring, 促销活动, 放电, 支付, 附加福利, 职业培训, 分类, 转介和其他方面的就业. GINA还限制雇主获取基因信息,并严格限制基因信息的披露. 遗传信息包括申请人的基因测试信息, 员工, 或者他们的家庭成员; the manifestation of disease or disorders in family members (family medical history); and requests for or receipt of genetic services by applicants, 员工, 或者他们的家庭成员.