
Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Policy


This policy is designed to comply with the Massachusetts earned sick leave law and provide employees with up to 40 hours of paid sick time per benefit year (July 1 through June 30). This policy also delineates the appropriate use of sick time and outlines how to request time off.


This policy applies to all employees of 澳门葡京博彩软件, including non–benefits eligible employees, 随意的员工, 临时员工, 还有暑期学生雇员.

Terms and Conditions of Use of Earned Sick Time


Under the Massachusetts earned sick time law, all employees subject to this policy will be eligible to 积累 and use paid sick time. Employees will 积累 paid sick time at the rate of one (1) hour for every thirty (30) hours worked per fiscal year, 七月一日至六月三十日, 最多40小时. Employees may carry into the next fiscal year up to 40 hours of unused sick time, 但可能赚不到, 积累, or hold more than 40 hours in their bank of earned sick time.


Employees may not use more than 40 hours of earned sick time per fiscal year, nor may they earn more than 40 hours of sick in a fiscal year. Accrual of sick time begins on July 1 but may not be used time until ninety (90) days after the individual’s start date. Earned sick time may be used for full- or partial-day absences.

Earned sick time is provided to enable employees to: 

  • 照顾孩子(或法定监护人), 家长, 配偶, or 家长 of a 配偶 who is suffering from a physical or mental illness, 受伤, or other medical condition that requires home, 预防, 或专业护理;
  • Care for the individual’s own physical or mental illness, 受伤, or other medical condition that requires home, 预防, 或专业护理; 
  • Address the psychological, physical, or legal effects of domestic violence; 
  • Travel to and from an appointment, 一家药店, or another location related to the purpose for which the time was taken.


If an employee determines that they need to be absent, 迟到, 或者早点下班, the employee must give advance notice to his or her supervisor. Notice should be provided in person or by telephone, e-mail, or text. If the employee is unable to provide notice personally, notice may be provided by a 配偶, 另一个家庭成员, 或者其他责任方. 

If the absence is foreseeable (for example, if the employee plans to go to a previously scheduled appointment), the employee must provide seven (7) days’ advance notice, 如果可能的话,更多. 如果缺席是不可预见的, the employee must provide notice to his or her supervisor at least one (1) hour before the start of the employee’s shift. If one (1) hours’ notice is not feasible due to sudden illness or emergency, notice must be provided as soon as is practicable. If an employee is going to be absent on multiple days, the individual should provide notice for each day of absence.  


If an employee uses sick time for a period that lasts more than twenty-four (24) consecutively scheduled hours or three (3) consecutive workdays, 澳门葡京博彩软件 will generally require the employee to submit within seven (7) days of taking the time off a note from a healthcare provider that confirms the need to use earned sick time. The employee’s manager should notify 人力资源 of absences that last longer than twenty-four (24) consecutively scheduled hours or three (3) consecutive workdays. 

The college may also require written documentation from the employee’s healthcare provider if the absence occurs within two (2) weeks of the employee’s scheduled termination date or if the employee has had four (4) unforeseeable and undocumented absences within a three-month period. If the earned sick time is taken for permissible non-medical reasons, the college may require the employee to submit a written statement or other documentation providing evidence of the need to use earned sick time.


Employees should remember that regular, reliable attendance and timeliness is expected. If an employee commits fraud or abuse by engaging in an activity that is not consistent with allowable purposes for sick time, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

Interaction with Other Types of Leave

Sick time will run concurrently with all applicable leaves, 包括休假, 马PFML, 育婴假, 家庭休假, 小生活用品休假, 及家庭暴力假.


Employees who experience a break in service of up to one (1) year and return to work at the college within that time period will receive, 根据他们的新身份, sick time or their earned-sick-time balance of up to five (5) days, 取较大的. Such employees can use their earned-sick-time balance of up to five (5) days immediately upon returning to work.

If you have questions relating to the new law, please contact the Office of 人力资源, at 413-585-2213.